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Bacardí Spiced 1 Litre

BACARDÍ Spiced is a rum blended with natural flavours and spices for a bold, yet smooth taste. BACARDÍ Spiced has upfront notes of creamy delicious vanilla, woody and subtle honey through the mid-palate, and a natural cinnamon and nutmeg spice finish. BACARDÍ Spiced has both light and deep notes, making it perfect for mixing.

Baileys Chocolate 700ml

A delightfully decadent chocolate experience that brings together two beloved treats, Baileys and chocolate for the ultimate adult treat. Made with real Belgian chocolate folded into delicious Irish Cream, Baileys Chocolate Liqueur delivers a velvety-smooth and delicious treat. Shake, pour, and enjoy in a chocolate martini, neat on ice, or drizzled over a decadent dessert for a deliciously indulgent treat.

Baileys Salted Caramel 1 Litre

Take a swirl on the sweet side with a scrumptious salted caramel liqueur. Baileys blended the smooth taste of caramel with velvety Baileys Original Irish Cream, a pinch of salt and other flavours and ingredients to produce this delicious liqueur. Whether you're baking, shaking or cocktail-making, Baileys is the perfect ingredient. A drop or two makes Baileys desserts and cakes sing, or if you're not in the mood for dessert, simply pour over ice, sit down and enjoy. Who need rules when you've got Baileys Salted Caramel?

Baileys The Original Irish Cream 1 Litre

Bailey's, the number one selling liqueur in the world, is lush, with fresh cream characters, a gentle nuttiness, and a perfectly balanced dash of Irish whisky. Enjoy Baileys straight, on the rocks with ice-cream or in 'Irish coffee.'

Baileys The Original Irish Cream 200ml

Bailey's, the number one selling liqueur in the world, is lush, with fresh cream characters, a gentle nuttiness, and a perfectly balanced dash of Irish whisky. Enjoy Baileys straight, on the rocks with ice-cream or in 'Irish coffee.'

Baileys The Original Irish Cream 700ml

Bailey's, the number one selling liqueur in the world, is lush, with fresh cream characters, a gentle nuttiness, and a perfectly balanced dash of Irish whisky. Enjoy Baileys straight, on the rocks with ice-cream or in 'Irish coffee.'

Ballantine's 12YO Blended 700ml

A sophisticated blend of whiskies selected at their peak, honed into a drink that's the result of passion for the craft. A honey-sweet scotch whisky perfectly balanced with oak and vanilla notes. To select the exact recipe for Ballantine's 12 year old, Ballantine's master blender samples a lot of whiskies. So it's no wonder it's his favourite whisky when he's off the job. It's a blend for the patient drinker who can't wait to enjoy it again. Ballantine's 12 was made with a passion for whisky, for those with a passion for whisky.

Ballantine's Finest Blended 1 Litre

Start off your night with the original of the Ballantine's Family. Staying true to the original recipe since 1910 - blending 40 different whisky's in each bottle. The result is a balance of subtle, sweet red apple and milk chocolate with a smooth vanilla finish. We don't think there's any improving this blend, taste it to find out why.

Basil Hayden's Artfully Aged Bourbon 750ml

To preserve the subtle sophistication that makes it so sharable, Basil Hayden's is aged to the perfect expression of its novel, spicy-sweet flavor profile.

Batched Espresso Martini 725ml

A premium handcrafted ready-made Espresso Martini. Cold brewed with fair trade coffee beans, it's a rich and indulgent treat that is smooth and sweet with a hint of chocolate.

Batched Gin Sour Strawberry & Rhubarb 725ml

Batched Premium Cocktails brings you a premium handcrafted Gin Sour. Small Batch, handcrafted and contemporary flavours, this Gin Sour is perfectly balanced with naturally flavoured sweet strawberry and a slightly sour rhubarb twist. Shake, serve and enjoy.

Batched Passionfruit Martini 725ml

Batched Passionfruit Martini is a delicious mix of passionfruit and vanilla vodka. With just a shaker and ice, simple 'Shake & Pour' for a bar quality martini every time, served with the signature foamy head. Turn your Passionfruit Martini into a Pornstar Martini by serving with a shot of sparkling wine!
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